Annual Super Bowl Warm Up Event
As many of you know, our annual Super Bowl Warm Up Fundraiser is a great celebration showcasing our dedication to kids, with donors generously providing event sponsorships, auction items, and cash contributions. Since 2016 the Foundation has raised and distributed approximately $200,000 from this annual event, and we are so thankful for our many donors and event sponsors. Please save the date for our next event:
Friday, February 7, 2025
Teanaway Hall, Kittitas County Event Center
THANK YOU to everyone who sponsored, donated a silent auction item or attended our fun event! We raised over $30,000 to support all the schools in the Ellensburg School district!!
We hope you can join us next year and stay tuned for details.
Interested in sponsoring our event? Please click 2025 Sponsor for a form to complete, print and mail to us
Interested in donating a silent auction item? Please click 2025 Procurement for a form to complete, print and mail to us
Can’t attend? You may also send a donation to our mailing address (PO Box 464, Ellensburg, WA, 98926) or click HERE to make an online contribution.
The Ellensburg School District Education Foundation holds an annual fundraising event to benefit a deserving cause or recipient in the district. In recent years we’ve raised funds to increase grant gifting of the Foundation.
The ESDEF Learning Enhancement Rewards provide an opportunity for staff members to receive funding for special projects that support the mission and foals of the Ellensburg School District. An example of recent projects we’ve funded:
Education Foundation 2023 Learning Enhancement Award Winners
The Ellensburg School District Education Foundation (ESDEF) awarded 14 Learning Enhancement Awards totaling $8,773.35 at their December 2022 meeting. Learning Enhancement Award applications were available to all Ellensburg School District employees and students.
This year the foundation received 17 applications. The following awards were made:
Ida Nason Aronica Elementary School
- Ida Nason Aronica Parent Teacher Organization, $750, Sky Dome Event
- Joanne Duncan, $500, books for distribution to students
Lincoln Elementary School
- Jared Bronkema, $500, books for distribution to students
- Lilly Weaver, $150, Lincoln Robotics Club
- First grade teachers, $745.50, headphones for use with Chromebooks
- Ashley Wehmeyer, $376, classroom rug
- Karen Foley, $1,000, Ozobots for 4th grade small group sessions
Mount Stuart Elementary School
- Schelaine Bamsley, $500, story workshop
- Heather Burnham, $250, materials for school family nights
Valley View Elementary School
- 1st grade teachers, $712.70, field trip to Woodland Park Zoo
Morgan Middle School
- Tor Blaisdell, $789.15, purchase of refurbished camera to use in Record of Reflection and Growth project
- Nate Bradshaw, $500, field trip to the UW Burke Museum of Natural Culture and History
Ellensburg High School
- Tiffany Price, $1,500, Technology Student Association State Conference Registration
- Early Learning Coalition, $500, books for early learner home libraries
- Courtney Karns, Ida Nason Aronica Elementary, $450, Music Class Headphones
- Ann Riley, Christy Moorman, Ida Nason Aronica Elementary, $900, SEL Class Materials
- Kayla Werner-Hasting, Brenda Chase, Mandi Laurent, Ida Nason Aronica Elementary, $800, Zoo Trip
- Andrea Jensvold, Brenda Picha, Bobbi Johnson, Ida Nason Aronica Elementary, $1000, Beach Field trip
- Katy Pomeroy, Ida Nason Aronica Elementary, $350, TK Class Materials
- Teresa Torrance-Smith, Olivia Torgerson, Morgan Middle School, $250, classroom library books
- Lora Jewett, Carly Clark, Morgan Middle School, $200, chess sets
- Sid Peterson, Keri Armstrong, Jackson Burkhart, Kathy Delvo, Lori Leach, Josh Humphrey, Morgan Middle School, $600, Corn Hole Building Project
- Katie Haberman, Valley View Elementary, $550, SEL Books
- Julie Hamilton, Michele Cawley, All schools’ kindergartens, $500, bilingual books
- Haley Naboychik, Ellensburg Choice Schools, $1000, Big Picture Learning project materials
- Jen Holmgren, Lincoln Elementary, $1000, multilingual books
- Megan Haydon, Stephanie Ristine, Tonieka Kokjer, $800, Science Center field trip
- Nadia Tosch, Ian Miller, Amy Morse, Josh Seacrest, Ida Nason Aronica Elementary, $1460, All-school writing workshop
- Sia Aronica, Nate Bradshaw, Morgan Middle School, $750, Native Heritage field trip
- Tiffany Beardsley, Talia Mifflin, Mayra Chavez, Morgan Middle School, $500, counseling comfort items
- ESD Early Learning Preschool Staff, $2000, sensory wall project
- Yoko Allen, District-Wide, $750, Celebration of Culture night
- Robin Zenisek, Jessica Horrocks, Bailey Bair, Ida Nason Aronica Elementary, $700, Capitol Theatre field trip
We hope you’ll join our mission to enhance programs, equipment and services available to the Ellensburg public school students and staff. The success of our event depends on the generosity of our friends and community members, and we thank you for your support! The ESDEF is a 501c3 non-profit organization.
Thank you!